You may think you are being careful which type of information you share online, but do you really known where that information is stored?
Users connect to websites or social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, Pinterest often do so through third-party apps, without knowing how much personal data is being accessed.
Every online platform allows you to essentially control what each and every app accesses.
But the thing is its get too messy when don’t how to do that.
So, here we are representing the ways to revoke the app access as per your wish. Just follow the instructions and remove the third-party apps in Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Google Account:
To detach third party app from your Google account or Gmail, do this following.
Step 1: Go to go to your Connected Apps page in your account.
Step 2: Scroll to bottom of the page and select “manage apps” under “connected application and sites”.
Step 3: Click “Remove” next to the name of any service that you don’t want to be able to access your account any longer.
Step 1: Login to your Twitter account and go to Setting > Apps < Link>.
Step 2: You will see a list of all apps which has access to your Twitter account,
Step 3: Review all the application that you are using and click on revoke access that wish to remove.
This is very small but very useful to have your twitter account safe and secure.
Step 1: Login to your Facebook account and go to Settings > Apps.
Step 2: You will see a list of all apps which has access to your Facebook account.
Step 3: Click the show all the button and you can click on each app to see what information can access from Facebook profile.
Step 4: To remove access, just click cross button to remove.
To remove an apps access to your Instagram account, do this following.
Step 1: Login to
Step 2: Click your username and select edit profile in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Click on manage application in the side menu.
Step 4: Find the application you want to remove access for in the list.
Step 5: Click the” Revoke access” button in the top right corner.
In order to remove the unwanted apps from your Pinterest List Follow these steps
Step 1: Log-in to Pinterest and go to your Setting tab
Step 2: To see which apps has access to your profile Click Apps Link on he left panel
Step 3: Then, click Revoke Access to remove them.
Still having problem removing apps strolling you & your personal life?