Google Chrome is the most trusted and reliable web browser for desktop and mobile devices as compared to other web browsers. Privacy and security of its users is Google’s first priority and sometimes Chrome blocks those websites which are not SSL encrypted or have invalid/expired SSL certificate. This type of trouble causes SSL certificate errors that can affect user’s experience while browsing internet.
If you are also facing such problem with your Chrome browser and want an appropriate solution then get in touch with our technical support team. Our technical experts will help you in solving your Chrome issues.
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And if you want to resolve your Google Chrome issues on your own then read this article and follow the steps to solve your problem.
Guide to Fix Various SSL Certificate Errors in Google Chrome:
Here we have discussed various SSL certificate errors occurring in chrome and the ways to troubleshoot them.
1. Invalid Date and Time
Chrome displays NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID error code if your computer’s date and time is incorrect.
To fix this error, just update your computer’s date with current date and time with the current time zone.
2. SSL Certificate Error Due to Too Many Redirects
Chrome displays Error code: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when a user try to access a secured web page and due to overload in cookies, Chrome redirects that page many times resulting in error.
To fix this you just need to delete all cookies for that website.
To remove website cookies in Chrome, follow the given steps:
- In Customize and Control Google Chrome panel, click on Settings > Show Advanced Settings.
- Now in Privacy section, click on Content Settings.
- Content setting popup will appear, in Cookies click on All Cookies and Site Data.
- In Search cookies bar, type the website for which you want to remove cookies, select it and then click on the cross mark ‘X’ to remove cookie.
3. Invalid SSL Certificate
If website’s SSL certificate is not valid or the website is using self-signed SSL certificate, then chrome will display NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error code.
As per CA/B forum rule, the certificate authority must be the member of CA/B forum and its source will also be inside chrome as trusted CA.
To solve this error, contact the website administrator and ask him to get SSL certificate from a valid and trusted Certificate Authority.
4. Invalid Common Name
Chrome displays “NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID” error code if the common name entered by user does not matches with actual common name of the SSL Certificate. For example, if a user tries to access but the SSL certificate is for then Chrome will display this error.
To fix this error, user should enter the correct common name.
5. Error Due to Outdated Security Code
Chrome displays ERR_SSL_WEAK_SERVER_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY error code when the website’s security code is outdated and users are not allowed to access the website. To prevent risk of information and identity theft chrome blocks access to that website.
To fix this SSL certificate error, contact the website administrator and ask him to disable DHE codes and add support for ECDHE codes in server. If the ECDHE codes are not available, then he can go further with plain RSA.
6. SSL Certificate Error Due to Missing Security Codes/Outdated SHA algorithm
Chrome displays Error code: ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH if there is missing security codes or the website is running with outdated SHA algorithm or system’s TLS version is outdated.
To get rid of this error, contact the website administrator and ask him to reinstall SSL certificate on server with the updated version of SHA algorithm as SHA-2. The user also need to access website with highest version of TLS as TLS 1.2.
7. Expired SSL Certificate
If website’s SSL certificate expires then Google Chrome will show an error and certainly, it will block all kind of access. It’s a matter of quick action that you need to take.
Contact website admin for renewal or new purchase of SSL certificate and get it reinstalled.
8. SSL Certificate Not Installed Correctly
SSL Certificate must be installed correctly to access the website properly without any error. If there is any issue in SSL installation, chrome will display SSL certificate errors.
Still facing problem with your Google Chrome Browser?
Don’t hesitate and call our technical support team.
Call us at (855) 899-6051.
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