Nullsoft Scriptable Install System or NSIS is an open source tool which is used to develop Windows installers. The NSIS tool is small and highly flexible. This makes it quite popular for distribution all over the Internet.
A user might receive an NSIS error while installing a program.
An NSIS error actually occurs at time when you download a program that fails an integrity check during installation. Failed integrity checks mostly occurs because of corrupt files.
Asides, various other causes are also liable behind the occurrence of NSIS error.
Causes of NSIS Error
- Software files downloaded from the Internet are not complete
- Downloaded software files have been changed from the original version.
- Physical media being utilized to install the program is damaged.
- Your PC is contaminated with a malware infection.
- Needed hardware (such as CD/DVD drive) is malfunctioning.
To fix an NSIS error, install the corrupt program from a fresh copy.
Besides, a combination of several other solutions can be used to fix NSIS error, like removing malware from PC, checking hardware and temporarily deactivating your firewall.
Solutions To Fix Windows NSIS Error
Below mentioned solutions are proven fix to Windows NSIS Error. Implementations of them, in the manner only they have been mentioned, will definitely help you permanently get rid of NSIS error.
Use a Fresh Copy
The most prominent reason liable behind the occurrence of NSIS error is the corruption of installation files.
Often in Windows PC, installation of program gets abandons because of the files corruption to the point.
At this time, download a fresh copy of the program or you can contact the software manufacturer for a new copy.
Clean viruses or malware
Scan your computer system with antimalware program like SpyHunter.
Despite, today numerous antitmalware programs are available in the market, here it is advised to go for SpyHunter, because of the fact that it is the most reliable one among-st all.
Equipped with highly powerful algorithmic skills, it includes potentially of executing a deep scanning of the system and tracing the exact locations of even those infections which are very good at bypassing the scanning of most of the antivirus programs.
SpyHunter provides a free trial version, with which you can scan your overall PC and detect malware infections in it. However to remove all those malwares completely from the system, you are required to purchase its full version.
To download free trial version of SpyHunter, click here
To buy SpyHunter full version, click here
Check the Hardware
If you are installing the program from a disk, USB drive or flash drive, there could be an issue with the physical disk or drive. In this situation, contact the manufacturer of the software and obtain a new disk. Or you can use a different USB drive.
Check the drive you are making use of to insert your media. Use a different disk drive or a different USB port.
Disable Download Manager
Do not make use of a download manager or a download accelerator while downloading the software.
Microsoft has a Download Manager which makes downloading easy. These popular download accelerators are available free for download.
Despite they are free or easy way to download programs, often create issues in case of being not completely compatible.
For eg; Use of Microsoft’s Manager to download a product which is from a different manufacturers can create corrupt files.
So, it is advised to download the program manually without the help of an accelerator, in case if NSIS error persists.
Rename the Installation File
According to experts,
Too long special characters in a filename or filenames can cause the install program to crash, resulting in an NSIS error. It could also result in failure of the integrity checks.
So, remove any special characters via renaming the installation file.
Rename any installation file, even in case you do not see any special characters.
Deactivate your Firewall
- Firstly open Control Panel
Windows 10
Open Control Panel
Windows 8
Open up Control Panel by typing Control Panel into the Search bar and clicking Control Panel
Windows 7
Open up Control Panel by clicking Start and then Control Panel
- Click Windows Firewall
- Click Turn Windows Firewall On or Off
- Turn off the firewall and then click OK.
- Check your firewall permission with antimalware programs existing in your system. In case of being unable to turn your firewall off, check and see whether it is controlled by your antimalware program. If so, open up your AV settings to turn off the firewall.
Scan your Hard Drive
Corrupted files might occur because of bad sectors on your hard drive. The Disk Check and Defragmentation tools can help resolve these file corruption errors.
Windows 10
To scan your hard drive on Windows 10, you can make use of CHKDSK Windows utility. This Windows tool check the integrity of the hard disk and can fix several file system errors.
Note: CHKDSK is short for “check disk”.
To run the check disk utility on Windows 10, execute the set forth steps:
- Boot the Windows 10.
- Now make double-click on Computer (My Computer) for opening it.
- Make selection of the drive, you wanna run a check on, e.g., C:\
- Make right-click on the drive.
- Click Properties
- Go to the Tools
- Select Check, at the Error Checking section.
- In case if receive the set forth message, click Scan drive to initiate the scanning:
You don’t need to scan this drive
We haven’t found any errors on this drive. You can still scan the drive for errors if you want.
Scan Drive
- You might keep using the drive during the scan. In case if errors are found, you can decide if you wanna fix them. Depending onto the results of this scan, the utility will report the results:
If no errors were found, you’ll receive the message:
Your drive was successfully scanned
Windows successfully scanned the drive. No errors were found.
If errors were found, you’ll receive the set forth message instead:
Restart your computer to repair file system. You can restart right away or schedule the error fixing on next restart.
Windows 8
Windows 8 do provides an automatic disk check during Automatic Maintenance.
So, you do not need to scan for disk errors on a Windows 8 machine. There is a manual procedure, in case if you feel the automatic procedure failed.
Windows 7
Follow below mentioned detailed Microsoft’s instructions to scan your hard drive and any external media like your USB stick.
Note: Before starting the disk check, kindly ensure to close all the open programs and files.
- Right-click the Start Windows icon.
- Click Open Windows Explorer in the shortcut menu.
- Click Computer in the navigation pane, so that your drives appear in the right pane.
- Right-click the drive, which you wanna check.
- Click Properties -> Tools tab -> Check now
- In the Check Disk <disk name> window, select Automatically fix file system errors check box.
- Click Start
- In case if the drive you wanna check if currently in use and its your system drive, you will see a dialog box with a warning message. In this situation, click Schedule disk check.
- Exit all the open programs and restart your system. The checking will start automatically before the next Windows startup and display the result onto being completed.
- In case if not checking the system drive, you do not have to turn off the computer. Nonetheless, the selected drive might also be in use. In this situation, you will receive a message. Now after you have saved all the files and close all open programs, click Force a dismount.
- The checking starts immediately. After its completion, the results will get displayed.
Update your Operating System
- Open up Control Panel and then click Windows Update.
- Click Check for updates -> Install Now (or the link to check online for updates)
Often this OS updating lead to loss of data from Windows OS. So, in case if suffering from such data loss scenario, it is suggested here not to worry and instead use Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery Software.
Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery Software is the most appropriate tool for recovering every bit of your lost data on Windows, like – documents, photos, videos, travelogues and etc.
This DIY professional Windows Data Recovery Software is compatible with all the latest versions of Windows OS including Windows 10/8.1/8/XP/Vista.
Some of the top features of Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery Software include:
- Easily recovers data, lost because of any data loss scenario.
- Recovers data from corrupted hard drives, optical media and lost partitions.
- Recovers data from any Windows device and compatible storage media.
- Retrieves virtually ANY type of file via using file signature.
- Include Add-in drive monitor and disk cloning feature for secure data recovery.
Move installation files
An NSIS error can occur in case if you try to install from a folder or directory for which you do not have the appropriate permissions.
Move the installation file to your desktop and then install the program from there to fix the permission issues.
So, this was all about how to fix NSIS error in Windows 10/8/7. Hopefully the guide helped you out fix the particular Windows issue.
For other critical Windows issues and their respective fixes, kindly keep visiting us.