DLL errors are some of the most common, irritating and complicated errors to troubleshoot and resolve. However before coming to several DLL errors and their respective solutions, its important to be aware of what actually DLL is and how errors associated with it generates.
DLL (or Dynamic Link Libraries) are actually external parts of your apps which do store important pieces of codes. DLL files get load into the memory and used at time when their contents are required by your programs.
Reasons behind the generation of DLL Errors
When a DLL file get missed or corrupted, the code contained in it becomes inaccessible for your OS or apps. That is actually when you receive the noxious ‘DLL file is missing’ message.
Fixation of DLL errors
Fixing a DLL error is usually as easy as replacing the DLL. However its something that we would never recommend doing, even if does fixes the issue.
Here set forth is a list of the most common DLL errors along with their respective step-by-step solutions that everyone can handle!!
Most common DLL Errors and their Solutions
D3dx9_43.dll (D3dx9_43.dll Not Found)
‘D3dx9_43.dll Not Found’ and ‘D3dx9_43.dll is missing’ errors are commonly caused by DirectX issues. You might see d3dx9_43.dll errors while initiating certain video games or enhanced graphic programs.
D3dx9_43.dll errors can get shown up onto the PC screen through several ways like:
D3dx9_43.dll Not Found
The file d3dx9_43.dll is missing
D3dx9_43.dll not found. Reinstalling might help fix this.
File d3dx9_43.dll not found.
The d3dx9_43.dll error message could get applied to any program which do make usage of Microsoft DirectX, however its most commonly associated with video games. D3dx9_43.dll and other DirectX issues are compatible with all the Microsoft’s operating systems such as Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Step-wise Solution on how to Fix D3dx9_43.dll Errors
Step1: Restart your computer system in a case if haven’t yet. The d3dx9_43.dll error might be a fluke, so a simple restart could clear it up completely.
Step2: Install the latest version of Microsoft DirectX. Assumptions are high that upgrading to the latest version of DirectX will fix the d3dx9_43.dll not found error.
Step3: However in a case if the issue still persists, look for a DirectX installation program on your application or game DVD or CD. Commonly, if a game or other application do make usage of DirectX, the software developers include a copy of DirectX onto the installation disc. Sometimes, not often, DirectX version included onto the disc is a better fit for the application than the latest version available online.
Step 4: Uninstall the game or software program and then reinstall it again. Something might get happen to the files in the application which work with d3dx9_43.dll and a reinstall could do the trick.
Step 5: Recover the d3dx9_43.dll file from the latest DirectX software package. In a case if the aforementioned troubleshooting steps does not worked to solve the d3dx9_43.dll error, make attempt to extract the d3dx9_43.dll individually from the DirectX downloadable package.
Step 6: Update the drivers for your video card. Now though its not the most common solution, however in some situations, it might correct the DirectX issue.
Hal.dl (Missing or Corrupt Hal.dll)
The error ‘Missing or corrupt hal.dll’ and several other Hal.dll errors like it usually get caused by boot.ini or hal.dll file issues. This error commonly get displayed as
‘Windows could not start due to the following file is missing or corrupt – Windows root\system32\hal.dll’. Kindly reinstall a copy of the above file.
Reasons liable behind the occurrence of Missing or Corrupt Hal.dll
Causes of the ‘missing or corrupt hall.dll’ error include, naturally a ruined hal.dll DLL file or a hal.dll file which has been deleted or moved from its respective intended location.
Besides from this, causes might be a damaged or missing boot.ini file or possibly a physically ruined hard drive.
When it comes to ‘Missing or Corrupt Hal.dll’ error, it might represent itself with the first listing being the most common:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
<Windows root>\system32\hal.dll.
Please re-install a copy of the above file.
<Winnt_root>\System32\Hal.dll missing or corrupt:
Please re-install a copy of the above file.
Cannot find \Windows\System32\hal.dll
Cannot find hal.dll
The Windows hal DLL ‘missing or corrupt’ error get displayed shortly right after the computer system gets first started.
Hal.dll errors is compatible with all the latest versions of Windows OS including Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Step-wise Solution on How To Fix Missing Hal.dll Errors
Step 1: Restart your computer system. It might be possible that the hal.dll error could be a fluke.
Step 2: Check for appropriate boot order in BIOS. You might see the hal.dll error in a case if the boot order in BIOS is initially looking at a hard drive other than your main hard drive. The error mainly appears because the other hard drives doesn’t have a file namely hal.dll.
Note: If boot order has been recently changed or you have recently flashed your BIOS, then this might be the reason that is causing your issue.
Step 3: Run Windows XP System Restore from a command prompt. However if this doesn’t work or you are still receiving the hall.dll error message before completing this procedure, move onto the next step.
Step 4: Replace or repair the boot.ini file. This will work in a case if the reason behind the problem is actually Windows XP’s boot.ini file and not the hal.dll file that is often times the case.
Step 5: Write a new partition boot sector to the Windows XP system partition. In a case if the partition boot sector has become corrupt or is not appropriately configured, you might receive the hal.dll error.
Step 6: Retrieve or recover data from any bad sectors onto your hard drive. You are more likely to see this error, if the physical part of your hard drive which stores any part of the hal.dll file get damaged.
Step 7: Recover the hal.dll file from the Windows XP CD. In a case if the hal.dll file is truly reason liable behind the issue, recovering it from the original Windows XP CD might do the trick.
Step 8: Perform a repair installation of the Windows XP. Chances are high that this sort of installation would replace any missing or corrupt files. Continue troubleshooting in a case if this does not resolve the issue.
Step 9: Execute a clean installation of Windows XP. This sort of installation will completely eliminate Windows XP from your computer system and will install it again from scratch.
Step 10: Test the hard drive. In case if all else has failed, including the clean installation from the last step, chances are high that you are facing a hardware issue with your hard drive but you’ll test it to ensure. If drive fails any of your tests, replace the hard drive and then accomplish a ‘new’ installation of Windows XP.
Ntdll.dll (Unknown Hard Error Ntdll.dll)
Ntdll.dll is one of the most common DLL errors which might get causes onto any of the Windows OS based computer systems. The reasons behind emergence of ntdll.dll error messages can vary greatly. Nonetheless, most of the ntdll.dll errors arise from a corrupt or damaged version of the ntdll DLL file itself, corrupt hardware drives or issues between Windows and several other programs.
Ntdll.dll errors often means that a piece of hardware in your computer system is malfunctioning, however this is quite rare.
There are numerous distinct ways via which ntdll.dll errors can get displayed onto the computer system. They might get causes via a number of different things which result in numerous distinct error messages. Nonetheless, there are some of the most common:
STOP: 0xC0000221 unknown hard error C:\Winnt\System32\Ntdll.dll
STOP: C0000221 unknown hard error \SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll
AppName: [PROGRAM NAME] ModName: ntdll.dll
[PROGRAM NAME] caused a fault in module NTDLL.DLL at [ANY ADDRESS]
Crash caused in ntdll.dll!
Unhandled exception at [ANY ADDRESS] (NTDLL.DLL)
Ntdll.dll error messages can get appear before or after a program is utilized, while a program is running, when Windows gets started or shut down or even meanwhile a Windows installation.
As mentioned above, Ntdll.dll error messages are compatible with all the Windows-based software application, driver, or plugin on any of the Microsoft’s operating systems, that is from Windows NT up through Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.
Step-wise Solution on How To Fix Ntdll.dll Errors
Step 1: Restart your computer system. The ntdll.dll error you’re receiving could be a one-time, temporary issue and so a simple reboot can resolve the entire problem completely.
Step 2: Reinstall the application in a case if the ntdll.dll error only get displayed when you utilize a specific program.
If the software program has any updates or service packs available, install them too. The software’s programmers might have identified an issue with the application which causes the ntdll.dll error and then issues a patch for it.
Step 3: Check out the Windows service pack level you’re running and then check this page to see if there’s a more service pack available for installation. Some troubles which lead to ntdll.dll errors have been corrected in these service packs from Microsoft.
The most convenient way to update your Windows computer with the newest available service pack and several other patches is to utilize Windows Update.
Step 4: Further, selectively disable Internet Explorer add-ons. In a case if the ntdll.dll error is getting displayed at time when you start, run or close Internet Explorer, an ad-on might be the cause liable behind the problem. Here in this situation, disabling each add-on, sequentially, will determine exactly which add-on is culprit (in a case if there is any).
Step 5: Rename the NLSPATH system variable. If your Windows system does not have this environment variable, skip this step.
Step 6: Disable Data Execution Prevention for Explorer.exe. As such in the previous step, this is mainly for troubleshooting the ntdll.dll issue only. However in a case if this doesn’t resolve the issue, return the Data Execution Prevention settings to their previous settings.
Step 7: Deactivate UAC. This is actually a workaround for some reasons of ntdll.dll issues, however could get served as a permanent solution in case if not making use of User Account Control is something you’re comfortable with on your computer system.
Step 8: Next, update drivers for any of the hardware in your computer system where updated drivers are available. Outdated drivers often cause ntdll.dll errors.
Step 9: Test your memory for damage. In case if receiving ntdll.dll messages, one possible reason might be a bad memory module in your computer system. In this situation, testing your memory will either identity the issue or will clear your RAM of any responsibility.
Note: Replace your memory in case if it fails any of your tests.
Step 10: Ntdll.dll errors could get occurred in the Windows computer system if you own an lomega Zip drive on the same IPE cable as the hard drive inside your PC. If so, then move the Zip drive to a dedicated IDE controller.
Step 11: Replace the IDE cable connecting the hard drive to the motherboard. In case if this cable get damaged, one symptom could be the ntdll.dll error you’re seeing.
Step 12: Repair your Windows installation. In case if individual software installation fail to fix the issue, a repair installation of Windows will automatically replace the ntdll.dll file.
Step 13: Execute a clean installation of Windows. A clean installation will remove Windows from the PC on complete basis and will install it again from scratch.
Usually we don’t recommend this option unless we find that the victim is exhausted with all the previous troubleshooting ideas.
Step 14: In case if everything else failed, including even the clean installation from the last step, chances are high that you could be dealing with a hardware issue with your hard drive. Nonetheless, this is extremely rare.
Well if so, replace the hard drive and then following this perform a new installation of Windows.
So, this was all about the most common DLL errors and their respective fixes.
Hopefully you read the blog thoroughly and it would have helped you out in fixing encountered DLL errors. However in a case if feel like there is something missing in this blog, kindly feel free to suggest or advise us in the comment box.